Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is awesome.

Monday, November 24, 2008

To me

Some people in life are worth it to me. Worth my affections. Worth me giving a shit. It took a long time to get to where I am as a person. I'm so happy with who I am. I have no anger, animosity nor do I wish anyone harm. I remember living life just hating people for the dumbest things. Holding grudges for things I can't even remember.

It's about having an inner peace. When you have inner peace you don't need revenge. It'll come in other forms. When you have inner peace you see the beauty in every person. Even the jerks.

that's what i was thinking last night as i was djing. :)



often attributive
Middle English dreem, from Old English drēam noise, joy, and Old Norse draumr dream; akin to Old High German troum dream
13th century
a: an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: as a: a visionary creation of the imagination b: a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality

Ees true

keep life exciting. keep it fresh. mix it up!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

science vs. love

My favorite subject is love. So let's talk.

How do you know when you're in it? What is it?

Last week those questions came up twice.

There are two ways you could attack/answer these questions. There's the scientific way of thinking- more logical. Then there's my way- totally fucking unscientific and unconventional. It all depends on how romantic you are. Love to me is completely the opposite of science. It's radical and unpredictable. You can't measure love. Although, I think it's unrealistic to honestly BELIEVE you're in love after a month of dating. But then we're back to the start and the core- Love is erratic. Being in love is unrealistic in itself. We simply can't measure it.

I'm a woman with an open mind and a philosopher no less. I question EVERYTHING. Even my own beliefs. So let's do this!

Let's take the scientific approach.

There are two elements- I believe that make people feel they're "in love".
Lust and euphoria. Two different things but same intense emotions that can easily be mistaken for being "in love".
Lust can be described as pure physical and superficial. When you see that hot brunette and she opens her mouth and says the most amazing things - it could feel like love at first sight. But it's really not. It's lust. Euphoria can be described in terms of love... As physical mixed with spiritual and emotional feelings. Genuine caring is involved here. All intense of course. I was watching this program on The Discovery Channel and Euphoria (aka being in love) is believed to last 9 months. Why 9 months? Well because it's in our reproduction instincts to "stick around" until a baby is born. So it is believed that one will truly know if they love someone after the shine wears off which is said to be 9 months. Which begs the question- What is true love between two unrelated people? In the scientific sense: there is none. Which furthers my belief that scientifically explaining love is a crass way to go. Still fun to explore though. No?

My approach. My response to Claudia.

"I think you're in love when you see the persons imperfections perfectly, their the first and last thing you think about at night, being with them or seeing them... You feel electric. Not to be confused with infatuation though... OK, it's EXACTLY like going down a steep hill really really fast and you can't stop. It feels amazing because the wind is in your hair and your adrenaline is rushing through your body. You feel alive. But you don't know how it's going to end. You might crash, you might slowly break to a complete stop, or you might be going down this hill forever. That's what being in love is like. Russian roulette."

"Questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as my heart."


So tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is THE day. They're filming a movie in my apartment.
I had to sign a release form and so did my roommates. They're using my living room. They gave me a blue print on how they would like us to arrange our furniture. Pretty awesome :)

dip dip dip


So, I've been listening to a hell of a lot of Diplo lately. You know who he is right? Diplo basically does ALL of MIA's producing. At Coachella this year he was doing his set and she came out. I just about died. Wait, or was that last years Coachella? I always get them mixed up! I have the craziest back story on Diplo that I can't talk about here. But it has to do with his recent ex and my bed.

And no, it's not what you think! I'm not THAT scandalous.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh love. For Eric.

Lately life has been happening quite quickly. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. But I'm going along for the ride. Hands in the air.
