Yesterday was jam packed with events.
So after my philosophy class I went home to my roomate and my neighbor smoking hookah and drinking wine in the living room. It was awesome. We talked and talked and talked until we realized it was 1 in the morning.
What I got from our talk:
1. wine and hookah go together like PB & J
2. i'm a hopeless romantic. i love love.
All these questions about love and heart break and relationships came up. Finally, it wasn't about me this time. haha. My neighbor is going through a break up - a bad one. I wish the Ariana today would have been able to talk to the Ariana 6 months ago. I would have told her A LOT. That girl is totally different. I can't even connect with me 6 months ago. Don't even know who she is! I was looking at my neighbor and I told her the same thing. "Just wait until 5 months go by- 6 months, 7 months... You'll see." And it true. Time heals everything.
When you're heart broken anything anyone tells you goes through one ear and out the other though. I remember my friends dragging me out and I would hate it or when they'd give me advice... I would take it... But it would still hurt. But little by little I felt better. The more and more I DJ'd I'd feel better. It's about taking baby steps and surrounding yourself with TRUE FRIENDS and positive people. Tell your family RIGHT AWAY about the break up. Tell your friends and anyone else that knew about the relationship. Cut all contact if possible from that person. Let yourself be sad. Listen to The Smiths, The Cure and Bjork over and over. Cry yourself to sleep. Allow yourself to be depressed- It's good for you. Write letters to that person and never send them. Give back all their stuff. Reflect on the relationship. Focus on yourself. Fix those problems you swept under the rug. No alcohol for awhile and lots of exercise. Working out helps with heart break. TRUST. AND DO NOT. I REPEAT. DO NOT get a rebound. Typically it will take half the time you were together to get over it. 2 years= 1 year. 1 year= 6 months.
I believe that true love exists. I believe that TRUE love takes time though. Sometimes you can just feel it with someone right away. I've felt that before. From what I've seen through friends and family... From what I've experienced and what has been advised to me... The faster the word Love is thrown in... The relationship starts to get shaky. The faster it starts- the quicker it ends :/