"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."
So true.
I love love. Not in it with anyone now but have been. And it's the most incredible, the scariest, deepest, most amazing thing that I've ever felt. Twice. I was 16. Then 18.
And it doesn't matter what it really was. But what I thought/felt it was then that counts.
Last night during my Art History class my professor was lecturing around The Renaissance period and how at that time being in love with someone other than God was a sin to the Christians. It was radical. It was too Godly- which made it ungodly to everyone else. Everyone felt it- but no one really talked about it because you should only feel that way about God. That was until someone wrote a book about his love for a woman. (Forgot his name Eeek. I'll check notes.) At this point Humanism was in full bloom. So were ideas, feelings, and ultimately art. But all this - all this passion and questioning stems from Love. Therefore, love is to life as heart is to body. Love makes us human. Humanity is existence. All is love.
I love love. Not in it with anyone now but have been. And it's the most incredible, the scariest, deepest, most amazing thing that I've ever felt. Twice. I was 16. Then 18.
And it doesn't matter what it really was. But what I thought/felt it was then that counts.
Last night during my Art History class my professor was lecturing around The Renaissance period and how at that time being in love with someone other than God was a sin to the Christians. It was radical. It was too Godly- which made it ungodly to everyone else. Everyone felt it- but no one really talked about it because you should only feel that way about God. That was until someone wrote a book about his love for a woman. (Forgot his name Eeek. I'll check notes.) At this point Humanism was in full bloom. So were ideas, feelings, and ultimately art. But all this - all this passion and questioning stems from Love. Therefore, love is to life as heart is to body. Love makes us human. Humanity is existence. All is love.