I've had this statuette of The Virgin Mary since I was a little girl. My grandma bought if for me at The San Fernando Mission in San Fernando - where I grew up. It means sooo much to me. I take it with me every time I DJ. It's not for good luck. I do not believe in luck. Not really into religion but was totally raised Catholic. The Virgin Mary is a huge part of my Mexican culture. She was always around growing up and I've always loved her. All her statues, sculptures, paintings, any kind of work with her in or anything that has to do with her- evokes an artistic inspiration and peace. The Virgin Mary is Art to me. I have all sorts of statues of her in my room. You should see!
So on my way to a gig on Sunday I stop by a liquor store and I put her on the counter to pay and my friend Michelle snapped a shot of her. Then posted it on my page...
Thus revealing my secret.