Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Fredrich Nietzsche
October 15, 1844-August 25, 1900

Last night we learned about Fredrich Nietzsche. If only I could I express the pure joy after he passed out the lecture sheet and I read his name.

I was ecstatic!

Unfortunately the lecture on Nietzsche was short and sweet. Like a midget with a crush.

My professor went more in depth on this mans character and discussed his insanity. Insanity has always intrigued me. It scares me. The idea of someone who is seemingly normal (what is normal anyway?) suddenly going ape shit one day. It's fascinating. So the back story on Nietzche is that one morning he woke up and walked out side to a man beating a horse. Nietzche watched this for awhile and fell to the ground and lost his mind. On top of that he suffered all sorts of mental illnesses and strokes and his sister was a nazi and what have you. But bottom line is this man was the last great philosopher in history and the last great philosopher to the 20th (and now 21st) Century. So now I'm even more all about him. Google him.

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
-Fredrich Nietzsche