Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My D Turned into a C Story.


Terrible news.

I got a D on my Philosophy test. Horrible right?

My professor gave us our tests back right before we went on break. To my dismay I see a 68%. I was like all sorts of pissed. Shocked, perturbed, embarrassed... A hint of self loathing...
It was bad and it was 9:30 at night. I look around and the entire class was going through the same thing. One after another- Scantrons all over the place. People mumbling "Fuck" "Shit" "Seriously?!?!" Finally, a girl raises her hand and says "Professor! I studied so hard there's no way I got the grade I got. I know the material so well." I managed to add "Me too!!!" (I love this class! I completely understand the concepts and theories!!!)

We went on break. 10 long agonizing minutes later...
Class resumed.

"OK class. So I read the statistics from the machine and it seems that most of you either failed or received a D or C. The highest grade was a B... So I've decided to grade this exam on a curve."

The man on the moon could have heard the sheer excitement and relief that came out of our class room. I was sooooo happy!!! Now I know how Michael Phelps felt!
I was on a pedestal with my final C grade. It was awesome.

End scene.