Another friend of mine is going through a break up. We all could relate to that heart wrenching ache that can't even be put into words. To hear her and see her upset is the pits. And she's at that stage where she thinks the whole concept of romance and relationship is completely ridiculous. Haha.
I'm trying to tell her that she only feels this way because her heart is broken. But she's convinced by the power of infinity. I said "You know what? I'm totally down for another heart break. Being in love is totally worth it." Her response "You're fucking crazy bitch. Totally out of your fucking mind!" and I said...
"I know right?"
"tonight we are talking about the connection between love and the senses; your lover kisses you and you feel a tremor in the back of your knees. the synapses fire sending orders move your legs, move your arms, she's the one for you... she's the girl of your dreams, she's your one and only. and you know because the smell of her makes your head swim because you get a physical jolt everytime she sends a glance your way... i mean she touches you here... you feel it here... you touch her anywhere and you feel it everywhere and then... boom it's six months later and she's touching someone else"
-Leisha Hailey in The L Word